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Our Bikes

8.15.2010 | Comments Off on Our Bikes

Our Primary Bikes

Rob’s Primary Bike

Kim’s Primary Bike

Kim’s Cockpit

Rob’s First Primary Bike/Now the Backup Bike

Kim's First Primary Bike/Now the Backup Bike

Rob's original backup bike

Kim's original backup bike

You can read about our equipment on the Trip Gear Page.

Letter of support from Florida Governor Charlie Crist

8.06.2010 | Comments Off on Letter of support from Florida Governor Charlie Crist

We were very pleased to receive this letter of support from Florida Governor Charlie Crist and thank him and the state of Florida for their support.

Read the full letter

Rob & Kim Training

4.30.2010 | 5 Comments

Why we’re riding – “Khost to Coast”

4.07.2010 | Comments Off on Why we’re riding – “Khost to Coast”

A bike ride across our great country has always been a dream for Rob.  He hoped to complete the ride in the first few months after retiring from the CIA in 2005  but the need to become established in the business world precluded the trip.  In late 2009, he began to discuss the trip again.  Kim volunteered to ride with him (yes, she truly volunteered) and suggested that the ride not just be about their personal quest but be dedicated to a charitable cause.  After the tragic loss of CIA officers in Khost, Afghanistan in December 2009, the right cause became clear:  to support the families of fallen CIA officers who died in the service of our country.

The men and women of the CIA regularly take great risk to complete their mission.   Their efforts are mostly unheralded and the organization is often much misunderstood and maligned.  (The sacrifice and the risks taken by Agency officers was highlighted in an  OPED written by Rob in December 2009 and published in the Washington Post (link).

The intent of our ride is to both highlight the service of these fine officers and their colleagues and to raise contributions for those left behind.  All funds collected will go directly to the CIA Officers Memorial Fund.

Here we go!

4.07.2010 | 10 Comments

We are officially launching this site on May 1, 2010.  We appreciate your support in making this trip successful and your important donation to the CIA Officers Memorial Fund.